Our Partnerships


Pratt Institute

We partner with Pratt Institute’s Center for Art, Design and Community Engagement K-12 to bring weekly visual arts instruction to all students. These hands-on art and design experiences complement our growing project-based learning curriculum. Pratt collaborates with our classroom teachers to develop Learning Expeditions which culminate in final interdisciplinary products, showcasing art-making skills and techniques. We are thrilled to be partnering with Pratt, our neighbor, who shares our vision that arts education should develop all students’ voices through authentic projects. Funded by a grant from the NYCDOE Department of Arts & Special Programs. Photo by Nur Guzeldere


NYC Outward Bound

We have launched a new instructional model: a culturally-responsive, project-based learning program. We are developing our new Learning Expeditions, curricular units that combine New York State Standards, rich topics from the NYC Social Studies Scope & Sequence, and culminating projects that have authentic arts/design components. Partnering with NYC Outward Bound, we have worked with a School Designer to help plan and coordinate this exciting transformation towards project-based learning. Partially funded through the Neighborhood Schools Grant with the Walentas Family Foundation


City Growers

Central to our new interdisciplinary school model is the integration of arts and sustainability programming with social emotional learning and connections to the local community. Our partnership with City Growers integrates sustainability and garden-based programming into our Learning Expeditions. We plan to focus this partnership in 2nd and 3rd grade, as students explore community gardens and urban ecology. Culminating projects feature students’ original voices, show commitment to environmental justice, and demonstrate mastery of instructional content. Funded through a grant from the NYCDOE’s Office of Sustainability, this pilot is a model for long term collaboration with City Growers and the Brooklyn Grange.


Artshack Brooklyn

We are excited to be partnering with Artshack Brooklyn, a nearby community ceramics studio. Artshack “celebrates the creativity of youth and honors people of all abilities.” Their partnership with our school is just one of many ways they are working to make ceramic arts more accessible. In the studio, students explore clay materials, hand-building, and bowl design through a three class series. In addition, some of our classrooms deepen their understanding of clay by creating pieces tied to their Learning Expedition. In June, these pieces are displayed to the community during Exhibitions.