Early Childhood

Early childhood education at PS 270 is centered on play and exploration and serves as the foundation upon which our K-5 experience is built. Students spend the majority of their school day in play-based learning, including hands-on centers like blocks, dramatic play, and sand tables; collaborative play with other children; and explorations in art, science, and the outdoors. We foster connections to our local community through neighborhood walks and visits to local parks and playgrounds, and connect with our older students at special times throughout the year. Our early childhood classrooms are buzzing with curiosity and joy, as students develop language and social emotional skills. View the four pillars of our early childhood program below.


We utilize the 3-K & Pre-K for All curriculum from the NYC Department of Education while incorporating our school’s core values and instructional approach.

NYC Pre-K Curriculum Map

Sept - Nov | My Community & Me
Units: Welcome to Pre-K, 5 Senses All About Us, Where We Live

Dec - Mar | The Environment & Me
Units: Transportation, Light, Water

April - June | Change & Growth All Around Me
Units: Plants, Babies, Transformation

View the Early Childhood Flyer. Learn about Admissions.

3-K & Pre-K

School hours are the same as those for older children (8:20am to 2:40pm) with the option for early drop-off at 8:00am and an after-school program until 5pm. The 3-K & Pre-K schedule includes breakfast, over an hour of gross motor play, lunch, and nap time. Meals are typically eaten family-style in the classroom.

During outdoor play with our imagination playground, students explore their wonder for their natural surroundings while developing language and building relationships with their classmates.

Next year, early childhood classes will also receive daily enrichment classes such as Visual Art, Phys Ed/Movement, and Science.

Center-based Play

that encourages both independence and collaboration, imagination, curiosity, stamina, and problem-solving.

Outdoor Play-based Learning

to develop gross-motor skills and a connection to the environment and our planet.

Emphasis on Social Emotional Learning

through circle meetings, collaborating at center time, and mindfulness practices.

Community Building Events

to bring families and staff together, like monthly community meetings and outdoor gatherings.